




in Bearbeitung

  • Gapinski et al.: Lessons learned on the use of the ecosystem services concept in communication with local stakeholders in a river restoration project – The Lower Mulde case study
  • Gapinski, C.M., Hermes, J. & von Haaren, C.: Why people like or dislike large wood in rivers – A representative survey focusing the general public in Germany. River research and Applications
  • Gapinski et al.: What kind of ecosystem service representation is most effective for communicating with the general public? The example of river restoration involving large river wood.
  • Kretz et al. Structural diversity alter fine sediment retention on and underneath herbaceous vegetation – a flume experiment
  • Kretz, L. Bondar-Kunze, E., Hein, T., Richter, R., Schulz-Zunkel, C., Seele-Dilbat, C., van der Plas, F., Vieweg, M. & C. Wirth: Vegetation characteristics control sediment and nutrient retention on but not underneath the vegetation. Science of the Total Environment
  • Nogueira Tavares et al.: The feeding ecology and trophic niche differentiation of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) along a recently invaded large river, the Elbe River in Germany
  • Nogueira Tavares et al.: The potential impact of the invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) on diet composition and trophic niche of native burbot (Lota lota) in the large River Oder, Germany
  • Sprößig C, S Buchholz & F Dziock: Defining the baseline for river restoration – comparing carabid beetle diversity of natural and human-impacted riparian habitats. Journal of Insect Conservation