
Call for Papers

01. September 2020

The Wilde Mulde project team plans to publish the results in a special issue of the International Review of Hydrobiology

Title: Revitalisation of Dynamic Riverine Landscapes – Evaluation of the Effects of Hydro-morphological Restoration Measures

Submission Deadline: 15 November 2020

Handling Editors
: Christiane Schulz-Zunkel, Elisabeth Bondar-Kunze, Carolin Seele-Dilbat, Mathias Scholz & Frank Dziock

Dynamic processes of river-floodplain ecosystems are increasingly restored to revitalise riverine landscapes. All over the world, various hydro-morphological restoration measures have been carried out over the last decades in rivers and floodplains, including the installation of large wood, bank restoration, and the reconnection of back waters. These measures were also successfully implemented along the Lower Mulde, a main tributary of the Elbe, to reactivate dynamic morphological processes, improve river-floodplain interactions, as well as to promote river and floodplain biodiversity. Here, the implementation of restoration measures was coupled with continuous scientific monitoring of the effects on biodiversity and underlying processes such as hydrodynamics and sedimentation. To date, research linking the implementation of restoration measures with scientific monitoring is scarce.

This special issue of International Review of Hydrobiology aims at providing an overview of current interdisciplinary research assessing the outcomes of different restoration measures for riverine and floodplain biodiversity as well as ecosystem functions and services of the Lower Mulde and other riverine landscapes. Further, the special issue intends to deliver basic data on different scales as a reference for future and long-term ecological monitoring, take a holistic perspective by considering sociological aspects as well as multifunctionality in riverine landscapes, as well as provide recommendations for further restoration projects and their scientific evaluation in the light of implementing nature conservation and water management needs.

The editors invite contributions with a synthetic view on how restoration measures can improve biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and how observed improvements affect multifunctionality in riverine landscapes as well as studies highlighting specific hydro-morphological restoration measures and stakeholder involvement. We invite contributions on both catchment scale and the scale of single river stretches or floodplains.

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